Dr. Steinberg has been practicing cardiology for over a quarter century. For over 15 years, he has been the Chair of the Department of Cardiology at Community Memorial Hospital (CMH) in Ventura, CA, where he has been in charge of peer review including reviewing cases for standard of care. He is reviews quality measures and credentialing for his department.
In his active private cardiovascular practice, Dr. Steinberg sees more that four thousand patients a year ranging from evaluating stable patients in his office to caring for sick patients in the hospital. Dr. Steinberg is also a clinical assistant professor at Western University Heath Sciences CMH residency programs, where he teaches medical students and medical residents.
His formidable expertise and broad experience includes observing and evaluating cardiologists in multiple communities and hospitals. Given Dr. Steinberg’s superb understanding of standard of care, the State of California selected him, in the prosecution of Dr. Conrad Murray, as its consulting and testifying expert to opine on the standard of care given by Dr. Murray and the cause of death of Michael Jackson.
Dr. Steinberg has a significant interest in in-custody related deaths, including prone restraint deaths. He has written or co-written articles on this subject, published in medical/forensic journals.